Back in January of this year I wrote an article fro LinkedIn Pulse called ‘Giving Robert Dreelan His Due’ ( ). The subject matter between Robert and I was the impact of the ocean carrier alliances on shipping rates. My position was rates would stay down through expanded use of mega vessels, the alliances competing against each other, and keeping… Read more »
Category: Business
How are cargo insurance rates calculated?
I have written several blogs on the subject of cargo insurance and related risk mitigation. I sell those services so writing articles on those subjects makes sense. Yours truly writing about the finer techniques of arc welding wouldn’t be very useful. In the past articles I covered many basic topics including, why you want cargo insurance, how Incoterms… Read more »
Is shipping’s busy season headed to its Happy Place?
Approaching the summer of 2016 I wrote an article called ‘Will there be a busy season?’. Just in case you missed it and need a refresher, ( For the most part, the article pointed out storage warehouses were full of unsold retail goods and consumer demand was flat. In addition, early shipping by importers fearing the worst of… Read more »
How Sports and Business Relate
Read for twelve minutes…in a row? I know, unheard of in this day and age. I know it’s seldom done these days, but I’m asking. I am much too ugly for video, so writing is my format and I got a little long on this one. I will make you a deal. If the article is really bad, I… Read more »
Cargo Insurance and Forwarders Policies
What does the tease picture for the article have to do with cargo insurance? Nothing at all, it is a picture of my grandson in the belly of a World War II bomber at a vintage aircraft show put on by the Air Museum Network I shamelessly use my grandson as an excuse to do… Read more »
Failing Retails Impact on Logistics
Bricks and mortar merchandise retailers across the country are singing the blues. Screaming the blues may be more accurate. The plight of the now gone Radio Shack, the soon to be gone HH Gregg, and a long list of shrinking retailers including Sears/K-Mart closing stores tell the story. It seems almost a certainty the story line won’t be… Read more »
Alliance, cargo insurance, limits
Many things have a limit. Transit speeds have a limit, technology has a limit, and even science must concede limits for the time period it is in. Of course limits do expand over time, but in general the environment we live in is saddled with limits for the time we are in. As most of us know… Read more »