Category: Cargo Risks

Here’s one for the freight forwarders

In my line of work, I have the pleasure of working with many freight forwarders. For as many years as I have been privileged to provide cargo insurance and cargo risk consulting to the market, it never ceases to surprise me when I find freight forwarders who don’t have their own freight forwarders cargo insurance… Read more »

What is Cargo Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

Cargo insurance, also known as shipping, freight, or marine insurance, is the oldest form of insurance. It can be traced back to the Phoenicians, around 1200 BCE. You can’t argue that cargo insurance isn’t a good idea if it’s been around for 22,000 years!   Cargo insurance is insurance that guarantees coverage for any damages… Read more »

If You Owned the Titanic, How Much Could You Be Sued For?

Stories of the infamous Titanic continue to circulate today, over 100 years after its tragic maiden voyage. This is not only because of the lives lost, but also because of the vast amount of wealth that was claimed by the sea—ultimately leading us to wonder: for just how much could the owners of the Titanic… Read more »

The Rising Problem Of Cargo Theft

Although not commonly made to be public knowledge, cargo theft is becoming a real problem in our country. Cargo shipments produce millions of dollars each year and all too often, the goods being transported by cargo are becoming victim of theft.  Cargo theft is characterized by goods being stolen during transport, which is any point… Read more »

All Time Worst Cargo Accidents

There have been so many accidents on the open seas it is hard to count them all. The loss of life has been astounding and the hundreds of millions of dollars in damages is incalculable. Here are just a few of the worst disasters in maritime history. MV Wilhelm Gustloff While sailing in the Baltic… Read more »

Protect Your Cargo From Organized Retail Theft and Cargo Theft Rings

Organized retail theft and cargo theft rings are a big threat and they’re nothing to joke about (though we probably will make a joke or six by the end of this post). Employee impersonation is a major and effective method for thieves, but with new methods, they’re getting smarter and harder to deter. Instead of… Read more »

Making a Cargo Insurance Claim

You’re a good, discerning business owner; you have a good insurance policy and you fully protect your assets by taking extra caution with your goods. This effort makes a huge difference in the event of an accident. Having a big, fat policy and the right shipping tactics will dramatically decrease the risk of a disaster…. Read more »